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Charice's album in Japan reaches gold status

The album of international singing sensation Charice in Japan is now certified gold.
Charice, who has joined the cast the hit TV show "Glee", thanked all her fans and supporters in Japan for supporting and buying her record.
"Chyeaa! My Album "Charice" is now certified GOLD in Japan! Thank you so much for the support!!! Japan, thank you so much :)," Charice said on her Twitter page.
Charice's album includes the single "Crescent Moon," an English rendition of the hit Japanese song "Mikazuki" by popular Japanese pop singer Ayaka.
In previous interview, Charice said that she was a fan of J-Pop or Japanese pop songs.
Last May, Charice went to Japan to record the album and pose for pictorials for the cover of her CD. Her Japanese album was released last July.

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