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A Taste of Humility: Coffee Poured Over Rice

Have you ever tried coffee poured over rice as a dish? This might sound strange to some, but for many, it brings back memories of simpler times. I experienced this unique meal when I was young, growing up in our province in Bohol. Our family was very poor, and we couldn’t always afford to buy ulam (viand).

In our home, coffee wasn’t just for drinking. When we didn’t have ulam, my mother would make black coffee, pour it over rice, and add a bit of sugar if we had any. This simple meal gave us warmth and a little sweetness, making it comforting even though it was plain.

Pouring coffee over rice was something we did out of necessity. For us, it was a way to make sure everyone had something to eat. It also taught us to be humble and grateful. Even though we had little, we learned to appreciate what we had and find joy in simple meals.

Pouring coffee over rice is a testament to how my parents find ways to feed us despite hardships. It reminds me that food doesn’t need to be fancy to be meaningful. Sometimes, the simplest meals are the most significant.

Looking back, I see that those meals of coffee and rice were more than just food. They were lessons in gratitude and resilience. They taught us to be thankful for what we had and to make the best of our situation. Today, whenever I drink coffee, I remember those days in Bohol and the strength of my family.

To the younger generation who might be experiencing similar hardships today, remember that tough times don’t last, but tough people do. Stay resourceful by using what you have creatively, as sometimes the simplest solutions are the best. Be grateful and appreciate the little things, as gratitude can make even the hardest times more bearable. Value your family and lean on your loved ones for support, as they are your greatest strength. Stay humble, as humility will help you navigate through tough times with grace. Finally, keep hope alive and believe that better days are ahead, because your current situation does not define your future.

While coffee poured over rice might seem unusual, it holds a special place in my heart. Even up to this day, I pour coffee over my rice because it is a cherished part of my childhood. It brings a unique taste to my food, even when I have ulam. This simple practice reminds me of where I came from and the lessons I learned along the way. To those facing similar challenges, stay strong and keep faith in better days to come.

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