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You don't need to be told you're beautiful to be beautiful

As Tyra Banks once said, “You don’t need to be told you’re beautiful to be beautiful.” I have a friend, whom we’ll call Lotoy (you can guess which one he is in the picture), who finds himself incredibly beautiful despite hearing many derogatory comments from others. But he doesn’t care about what they say and remains unfazed. What matters to him is that he is happy and free to do things without stepping on anyone. One of the things that brings him joy and boosts his confidence is the newly invented filters that hide his dark past, filled with sadness and struggles that carved deep scars into his being and became the remnants of a terrible nightmare.

Lotoy’s resilience and self-love are truly inspiring. Despite the negativity around him, he chooses to focus on his happiness and freedom. The filters not only enhance his appearance but also symbolize his ability to transform his past pains into a source of strength. His story reminds us that true beauty comes from within and that self-acceptance is the key to living a fulfilling life.