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Protecting Your Good News from the Evil Eye

Have you ever made plans for a vacation, told your friends about it, and then it didn’t happen? Or have you been talking to someone, feeling like you’re getting close, only to be ghosted after you tell your friends? These experiences show the risks of sharing too soon and the idea of the “evil eye.”

Today, social media makes us want to share every moment. It’s tempting to announce good news right away. But there’s wisdom in waiting until things are certain. This isn’t just to avoid disappointment; it’s also to protect your energy and plans from negative influences, like the “evil eye.”

In many cultures, including the Philippines, people believe that sharing good news too early can attract jealousy or negative energy, known as the “evil eye.” This belief isn’t just about superstition; it also involves the psychological effects of sharing too soon.

The “evil eye” is thought to be a look that brings bad luck, often because of envy. When you announce something before it’s certain, you might invite scrutiny, doubt, and envy from others. These reactions can subtly affect your mindset and the outcome of your plans.

To avoid the evil eye, keep good news private until your plans are final. Being humble about your achievements can help reduce envy from others. Surround yourself with positive people who truly support you. Their good energy can protect you from negativity.

Focus on being present and grateful for what you have. This helps you stay grounded and less affected by others’ envy. Be careful how you share your successes. Avoid boasting or showing off, as this can attract negative attention.

In many Arabic countries, people use symbols like the Nazar (blue eye bead) or Hamsa hand to protect against the evil eye. You can wear these as jewelry or place them in your home.

Nazar (blue eye bead)

Hamsa hand

Regular prayer can be a powerful way to seek God’s protection. Asking for His guidance and shielding from negative influences can help you feel more secure. Believing that God is watching over you can reduce the fear of negative influences.

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