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How It Feels Not Getting Paid for Hosting Events

"Remember, nothing in this world is free, especially when it requires hardship, effort, and creativity."

Hosting events like weddings and debut parties can be incredibly rewarding but also exhausting, especially when you pour your heart and soul into making everything perfect. When you don’t get paid for all that hard work, it can be a tough pill to swallow. You might feel a mix of disappointment, frustration, and even resentment, much like you did after that very tiring event where you weren’t compensated. It’s hard not to feel let down when your efforts seem unappreciated, especially if you had to invest your own time and resources.

I remember hosting an event for a friend a long time ago. I prepared so much, including my script, buying clothes to wear, the hair and makeup, and the fare. But in the end, I didn’t get paid.

However, reflecting on the experience can also bring some positive insights. You might realize that you gained valuable skills in planning and problem-solving, and perhaps the gratitude from friends and family made the effort worthwhile. 

Moving forward, it’s important to set clear agreements and boundaries to ensure your hard work is recognized and valued. Remember, nothing in this world is free, especially when it requires hardship, effort, and creativity. No one is exempt from paying, even if they are close friends or relatives. If you truly love the person hosting your event, please appreciate them by paying them because that’s what they deserve. It’s also better to discuss with your host in advance to see if they are available to provide their services for free before assuming they can.

As a host, you can clearly and professionally communicate your expectations. For example, you might say: “Thank you for asking me to host your event. I’m excited about the opportunity. However, I want to be clear about my availability and the terms of my services. Given the time, effort, and resources needed to make everything run smoothly, I do charge a fee for my hosting services. If this works for you, I’d be happy to discuss the details further and make sure we have a clear agreement in place.”

The valuable lesson we can learn is to always value and communicate the worth of your efforts, ensuring clear agreements and fair compensation for your hard work.

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