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My First Film Review: A Look at “Sexnap”

This is my first time writing a review, and for this occasion, I’ll pretend to be an expert reviewer, even though I’m not. Usually, I just rely on the opinions of those around me.

I’ve never seen a short film of this caliber before. It could compete at Cannes. It’s on par with the works of Brillante Mendoza. It’s not just worthy of a long jump; it’s a contender for Best Picture. The story’s weight will make you cry. It’s heavier than the problems you carry, the debts you owe at the store, or the heartbreak from a lover who promised they still loved you but is now flirting with someone else.

The film, titled “Sexnap,” is produced by Bisdak Bros and is said to be based on a true story.

I believe the story is not romantic. It’s not horror or drama either. I believe it’s a comedy. The film is about a forced booking by a gay man. Watch this video.

The cinematography is excellent. The script is superb, with English dialogue touched by a Bisayan accent that’s pleasing to the ear. The acting is outstanding. It’s the kind of film that, if you submitted it to your Sociology professor, you’d immediately get a solid grade. The intense emotions delivered in each scene are priceless—yes, priceless. If you were a producer and your actors had this level of skill, you’d want to celebrate.

According to the film’s producer, it’s based on the true story of a brazen gay man. Honestly, I’ve never seen such a fierce gay man just to get a booking. The lesson in the story is that if you can’t get what you want through gentle persuasion, you might have to resort to force. But the consequence is that you’ll earn a Boog Award among the older and younger crowd. Don’t forget to thank those you’ve encountered.

During the Boog Award

I also dream of being part of such an audacious film, even just as an extra, and I can’t wait to see them on the big screen. Will it flop? Hopefully not. Will it be watched? Definitely.

I’m just curious, what’s so special about the handkerchief that makes the men fall asleep in just a second?

Here are some comments from those who have watched this film.

This is the link of the video: Click Here. 

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